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Jumaat, 4 September 2020

How to Meditate - The 6 Biggest Obstacles to Meditation

hello buddy...

I am Brown, Expert in psychology

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Today we will talk about The first obstacle to meditation :

Obstacle #1: Not having enough time

The biggest obstacle people face in developing a regular meditation practice is TIME. We don't have enough time to meditate! (Interestingly enough this wasn't just an "American" phenomenon. People from all across the globe mentioned they didn't have enough time to meditate).

Yet there are 4 simple ways to incorporate meditation into your life without taking ANY time out of your current schedule!

First, I invite you to convert your waiting time into meditating time.

this shirt that I tried  And I want to share it with you  To preview it, enter the link  ===>

The average person waits 45-60 minutes a day. We wait for appointments, we wait in traffic, we wait in line at the grocery store and we wait on hold on the phone. Yet those precious "waiting times" can be converted into meditating times.

So next time you are waiting for an appointment, take a moment to notice your breath. Or next time you are waiting in line at the grocery store, take a moment to smile from the inside.

Second, have a daily activity be your meditation. You can incorporate meditation into any of these daily activities:

*brushing your teeth
*emptying the dishwasher
*folding laundry, ironing

As you brush your teeth, notice your breath. Or notice the aliveness in your hands and mouth. As you empty the dishwasher, feel the aliveness in your hand as you put each dish away.

Third, have your dog or cat be your meditation! Have you ever noticed when walking your dog how your dog is completely in the moment, taking in its' surroundings? Well you can join your dog in this blissful state. When walking the dog notice the aliveness in your feet with each step. Notice the aliveness of the trees, birds, your surroundings. While petting the cat, notice the softness of the fur. Be completely present with your dog or cat!

Four, meditate while driving! Now, of course, do NOT close your eyes and meditate while driving. But you can be completely present while driving, with your eyes open. While driving, notice the aliveness in your hands as you touch the steering wheel. Or at a stop sign or in traffic, notice your breath.

These are simple ways you can incorporate meditation into your daily life without taking ANY time out of your current schedule. If we all did these simple things, we'd have a daily meditation practice!

The next message will be about the second obstacle

Ruben S. Brown
1237 Mutton Town Road
Battle Ground, WA 98604


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